Super Cool Running Gear: Spibelt
I really can’t tell you how much I LOVE my Spibelt. You can fit almost everything but the house inside. It’s super stretchy so I can put in my keys, phone, earbuds, and a credit card. And it fits super snug and doesn’t jostle when I run. Hooray!
And yes, I realize it’s really just a “fanny pack”, but I don’t wear it like I am in the photo above. I promise, I keep it hidden from sight, you know, to stay cool.
But I love it so much I wear it out and about, even when I’m not running. Not only is it great for exercise, I also wear it at the beach, to the store, and out dancing, anytime I want hands free!
What do you use to run? How do you run with your phone, ipod, keys, etc?
- Fall Fun Run BIG Giveaway | Eat. Blog. Run. - [...] Next we have SPIbelt, the makers of running belts. Remember my hot mama fanny pack post?! I LOVE my ...
- Win stuff over on Eat Blog Run - [...] A handy dandy SPIbelt, the makers of running belts that Marie describes as her hot mama fanny pack [...]
Does it fit an iPhone with an enormo-case? That’s my problem with many of the solutions for holding phones. I end up wearing my husband’s old running vest and filling up the pocket with my phone. (not cool)
Yes, I really think it would. I have a pretty big case, plus my keys and money!!
I bought one of these at an expo in the spring. LOVE.IT! So super comfortable and even big enough to hold my iPhone.