Running Magazines, Do You Subscribe?
I love to read magazines. Especially running magazines. Just seeing the cover, usually an action shot, it gets me pumped! I love to keep them in my front room, staring at me, getting me excited to put on a pair of running shoes!
I’ve been enjoying this magazine above for the past year, Competitor. It’s a mix of running and cross-training. It has great features and loads of info on gear.
But I’m interested what running or exercise related magazines you’re reading. What others do I need to be picking up or subscribing to?!
i got a bunch of free ones when i signed up for my half marathon. and i do get a few of them that i actually pay for…i currently get runner’s world, women’s running, fitness and shape.
I subscribe to Runner’s World, but no others. Have not heard of Competitor, sounds like another good one.