Yes, we are all super savvy and joined the masses over at Instagram. Are you over there? So far, we’re loving it. It’s fun to upload pictures from a run and share. We’d love to have you follow us. We hope to bring you fabulously healthy inspired running content! And we want to follow you. Share your username in...
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Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, I celebrated with my husband… by running out by the sea! To celebrate my milestone fortieth birthday, my mom watched my children for three full nights so that Alec and I could get away from it all. We did exactly that and ran on the beach at Cambria, CA near Big Sur. And, in...
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Even though it’s technically spring, in Boston there are still piles of snow everywhere and many sidewalks obscured. I’ve never run on a dreadmill and don’t have access to one; instead, I’ve been hitting the pavement and doing my best not to get run over while also not injuring myself on the ice and snow. I wanted...
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Say what you will about the groundhog, but Spring is here and it’s time to come out of our winter hibernation. In honor of the change in seasons, we offer you another great virtual excuse to lace up your sneaks and head out the door in reflective clothing: The Spring Fling. Between now and the too-hot days of Summer, find a...
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Yes, my kids are running around so fast you can’t even find them in this photo. They usually do a quick dash to the next hiding spot. There’s a lot of places to hide in this play land. We love the good ol’ REI play land, so much fun playing in a treehouse. And it’s a great place for a little kiddo exercise,...
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The above image has a few scenarios that might make you run with purpose. Being chased by a meteor, aliens, or an angry monkey just might get me moving! But I’m talking more about having a running goal in mind to help motivate me. I get stuck in ruts or I’ll go to an exercise class instead of hitting the pavement. I...
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